all 100 radiohead songs ranked (only studio albums included) this was last updated on 10/13/22 numbering them is tedious so theyre only numbered up to 50 for now i'll do the rest later 1.Paranoid Android 2.Street Spirit 3.Idioteque 4.Weird Fishes 5.Nice Dream 6.There There 7.Blow Out 8.House of Cards 9.Airbag 10.Jigsaw Falling Into Place 11.Climbing Up the Walls 12.Life In a Glasshouse 13.Ful Stop 14.Burn the Witch 15.Myxomatosis 16.Karma Police 17.Scatterbrain 18.2+2=5 19.Lucky 20.All I Need 21.Present Tense 22.Kid A 23.15 Step 24.Just 25.Everything In Its Right Place 26.The National Anthem 27.Pyramid Song 28.The Bends 29.Nude 30.Separator 31.Exit Music 32.Bloom 33.Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief 34.Identikit 35.Daydreaming 36.No Surprises 37.The Tourist 38.Subterranean Homesick Alien 39.A Wolf at the Door 40.Where I End&You Begin 41.Optimistic 42.In Limbo 43.Reckoner 44.Treefingers 45.Planet Telex 46.Morning Bell 47.Lotus Flower 48.How to Disappear Completely 49.Motion Picture Soundtrack 50.I Might Be Wrong .Backdrifts .Packt Like Sardines In a Crushed Tin Box .Knives Out .Let Down .Creep .Electioneering .Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors .Little By Little .High&Dry .Sail to the Moon .The Gloaming .Faust Arp .Bodysnatchers .My Iron Lung .Desert Island Disk .Bones .Morning Bell Amnesiac .Black Star .The Numbers .Sulk .Sit Down Stand Up .Vegetable .A Punch Up at a Wedding .Go To Sleep .I Will .Fake Plastic Trees .You&Whose Army .Dollars&Cents .Ripcord .I Cant .Anyone Can Play Guitar .You .Like Spinning Plates .Glass Eyes .Decks Dark .Prove Yourself .How Do You .Bullet Proof I Wish I Was .Videotape .Codex .We Suck Young Blood .Fitter Happier .Morning Mr Magpie .Lurgee .Give Up the Ghost .True Love Waits .Stop Whispering .Hunting Bears .Feral 100.Thinking About You