Pronouns / gi Pronuno
Pronouns do not have cases (I and me are the same) / gi Pronuno non kama gi cawo ("I" e "me" esa kimu)
Personal Pronouns
- ma - me/I
- sa - you
- na - he/she/they
- la - it (not human or animal)
- tas - we/us
- bas - you (plural)
- nas - they (plural)
- las - it (plural)
First person
Second person
Third person
Objective Personal Pronouns
Used objectively to describe oneself in third person. / Nas tula la obgjektivun du dekrica na-ja doni jano-3.
e.g. Na se picá ja (He hurt himself)
- ja - self
Indefinite Pronouns
- nonunu - nobody
- ununu - somebody
- todunu - everybody
Interrogative Pronouns
- gje - what, which
- ki - who, which
- ose - where
- sji - why
- kane - when
- kome - how
- obe - how much
- ke - than
- gje lui - which one
Adverbial Pronouns
See examples at Sentence Structure / Nas jata vira gi ecamplo an Sentence Structure
- nui - any
- lui - the one
- luisi - this one